NicePBT Sugarplum
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<h1>NicePBT Sugarplum</h1>
<p><span>Designed in-house, this set consists of </span><strong>Cherry Profile, dye-sub and reverse dye-sub</strong><span> keycaps.</span></p>
<p><span data-mce-fragment="1">This newly revised version of NicePBT Sugarplum features our new text + icon legends and more layout support! </span>The colors were chosen to give a clean look on a keyboard while highlighting the lilac accents. The mods are lilac on black, the alphas feature a bold black on white, and the accents keys are black on lilac. The kit even includes split spacebars and an extra B for all the Alice-style keyboards, as well as 3 key 40's support!</p>
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